Privacy Policy - Radicofani Fortress

Phone: 339 8283 953
Fax: 0578 55876

History Museum, Theme Park, Steak House A legendary fortress in the heart of the Val d'Orcia

Telefono: 339 8283 953
Fax: 0578 55876
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Privacy policy for

Dear user

In compliance with the obligations deriving from national legislation (Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 No. 196, Code for the protection of personal data) and Community, (European Regulation for the protection of personal data No. 679/2016, GDPR) and subsequent modifications, the present site,, respects and protects the privacy of visitors and users, putting in place every possible and proportionate effort not to damage the rights of users.

This privacy policy applies only to the online activities of this site and is valid for visitors/users of the site. It does not apply to information collected through channels other than this website. The purpose of the privacy statement is to provide maximum transparency regarding the information that the site collects and how it is used.

Legal basis of the processing
This site processes data based on consent. With the use or consultation of this site visitors and users explicitly approve this privacy statement and consent to the processing of their personal data in relation to the methods and purposes described below.

The provision of data and therefore the consent to the collection and processing of data is optional, the User can deny consent, and revoke at any time a consent already provided by e-mail or by calling the number: 339 8283 953.

As of May 25, 2018 (data entry into force of the GDPR), this site will treat some of the data based on the legitimate interests of the data controller.

Data collected and purposes
This site,, does not collect sensitive data.
The data are processed in an automated form and collected in an exclusively aggregated form in order to verify the correct functioning of the site, and for security reasons (from 25 May 2018 such information will be treated according to the legitimate interests of the owner).

For security purposes (spam filters, firewalls, virus detection), the automatically recorded data may possibly also include personal data such as IP address, which could be used, in accordance with applicable laws, in order to block attempts at damage to the site itself or to cause damage to other users, or in any case harmful activities or constituting a crime.
Such data are never used for the identification or profiling of the user, but only for the protection of the site and its users.
The data collected by the site during its operation are used exclusively for the purposes indicated above and kept for the time strictly necessary to carry out the activities specified.
In any case, the data collected from the site will never be provided to third parties, for any reason, unless it is a legitimate request by the judicial authority and only in the cases provided by law.

Place of treatment
The data collected by the site are processed at the headquarters of the Data Controller.
The owner and manager of data processing is Paul Mazzuoli, resident at Casa Tonietti No. 109 - 53040 - Radicofani (SI)

Cookie policy for

What are cookies?
A cookie is a small text file that websites save on your computer or mobile device while you visit them. Thanks to cookies, the site remember your actions and preferences (eg login, language, font size and other display settings) so that you do not have to re-enter them when you return to the site or browse from page to page.

Types of cookies
Technical cookies
This type of cookie is strictly necessary for the proper functioning of some sections of the site. There are two categories: persistent and session:
1. persistent: once closed the browser are not destroyed but remain up to a reset date.
2. session: they are destroyed every time the browser is closed.
These cookies are necessary to view the site correctly and in relation to the technical services offered, will therefore always be used and sent, unless the user does not change the settings in your browser.
Technical cookies are in use on this site.

Analytical cookies
These cookies are used to collect information on the use of the site.
This information is used for anonymous statistical analysis in order to improve the use of the site and to make the content more interesting and relevant to the wishes of users. This type of cookie collects anonymous data on the activity of users and how it arrived on the site. Analytical cookies are sent from the site itself or from third-party domains.
Analytical cookies are not used on this site.

Analytical cookies for third-party services
These cookies are used in order to collect information on the use of the site by users anonymously such as: pages visited, time spent, origins of the traffic of origin, geographic origin, age, gender and interests for the purpose of marketing campaigns . These cookies are sent from third-party domains external to the site.
Analytical cookies of third-party services are not in use on this site.

Cookies to integrate products and functions of third-party software
This type of cookie integrates features developed by third parties within the pages of the site, such as icons and preferences expressed in social networks in order to share site content or for the use of third-party software services (such as software for generate maps and additional software that offer additional services). These cookies are sent from third-party domains and from partner sites that offer their functionality between the pages of the Site.
Cookies to integrate products and functions of third-party software are in use on this site.
List of products and functions of third-party software:
Google Fonts (generate the fonts used on the site) - Privacy Policy - Cookie Policy
Facebook (generate the social network boxes) - Privacy Policy - Cookie Policy
Twitter (generate the social network boxes) - Privacy Policy - Cookie Policy

Profiling cookies
These cookies are necessary to create user profiles in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user within the pages of the Site.
Profiling cookies are not used on this site.

Web sites and third-party services
The Site may contain links to other Web sites that have their own privacy policy which may be different from that adopted by this site and therefore not responsible for these sites.

As is customary on all websites, this site also uses cookies, small text files that allow you to store information on visitor preferences, to improve the functionality of the site, to simplify navigation by automating the procedures (eg. Login, site language) and for the analysis of the use of the site.

Session cookies are essential in order to distinguish between connected users, and are useful to avoid that a required feature can be provided to the wrong user, as well as for security purposes to prevent cyber attacks on the site. Session cookies do not contain personal data and last only for the current session, ie until the browser is closed. No consent is required for them.

Functionality cookies used by the site are strictly necessary for the use of the site, in particular they are linked to an express request for functionality by the user (such as Login), for which no consent is required.

By using the site, the visitor expressly consents to the use of cookies

Disabling cookies
Cookies are connected to the browser used and CAN BE DISABLED DIRECTLY FROM THE BROWSER, thus refusing/withdrawing consent to the use of cookies. It should be noted that disabling cookies may prevent the correct use of some features of the site itself.
Instructions for disabling cookies through a browser can be found on the following web pages:

Security measures
This site processes the data of users in a lawful and correct manner, adopting the appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or unauthorized destruction of data.

User rights
Pursuant to European Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) and national legislation, the User can, in accordance with the procedures and within the limits established by current legislation, exercise the following rights:
  • request confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning him / her (right of access);
  • know its origin;
  • receive intelligible communication;
  • have information about the logic, methods and purposes of the processing;
  • request the updating, correction, integration, cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those no longer necessary for the pursuit of the purposes for which they were collected;
  • in cases of consent-based processing, receive only the cost of any support, its data provided to the holder, in a structured and readable form by a data processor and in a format commonly used by an electronic device;
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (Privacy Guarantor - link to the Guarantor page);
  • as well as, more generally, exercise all the rights that are recognized by the current provisions of the law.

Requests must be forwarded to the Data Controller.

In the event that the data are processed on the basis of legitimate interests, the rights of data subjects are guaranteed (with the exception of the right to portability that is not provided for by the regulations), in particular the right to oppose the treatment that can be exercised by sending a request to the data controller.

Owner and manager of the treatment
Owner and manager of the treatment in accordance with the laws in force is the site administrator, Paul Mazzuoli, resident at Casa Tonietti 109, 53040, Radicofani (SI). You can contact him with an email or by calling the number 339 8283 953.

This privacy policy is updated on June - 10 - 2024
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